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This site was specially made for UiTM Pulau Pinang residents to place an online order for the Kristal’s Cafe. All of the preparation and pickup will be placed in Kristal’s Cafe itself. 

As for the delivery option we will only send the order to the students’ college  (Kristal A, Kristal B, Nilam, Delima, Intan) and also Laman Perdana. 

We will not forgetting our outsider guest, a non-resident also can place an online order and choose the ‘Local Pickup‘ option to collect your order at Kristal’s Cafe as the delivery was only made within campus area.

Handy for the students, convenient for the staff, profitable for the worker and a  good friend for all!

A one stop center to get all of what your hungry tummy craving for and to treat your thirsty throat!

Any thoughts? Drop down your ratings, comments and feedback for your favorites!